
@brief Send a request to the server, with 64-bit sequence number returned. @param c: The connection to the X server. @param flags: A combination of flags from the xcb_send_request_flags_t enumeration. @param vector: Data to send; must have two iovecs before start for internal use. @param request: Information about the request to be sent. @return The request's sequence number on success, 0 otherwise.

This function sends a new request to the X server. The data of the request is given as an array of @c iovecs in the @p vector argument. The length of that array and the neccessary management information are given in the @p request argument.

When this function returns, the request might or might not be sent already. Use xcb_flush() to make sure that it really was sent.

Please note that this function is not the prefered way for sending requests. It's better to use the generated wrapper functions.

Please note that xcb might use index -1 and -2 of the @p vector array internally, so they must be valid!

extern (C)
